Friday, July 6, 2012

The NULL Dilemma : The NULL is not equal to NULL : Part-2

In previous post(part 1) we learned about tristate logic for NULL ,Not Exists and Null propagation.In this post I will be explaining about ISNULL ,COALESCE, IS NULL, NULL relation with aggregate functions etc.

First of all lets create a temporary table to explain
 name varchar(20), 
 age int 
 INSERT INTO #temp VALUES('satya',26) 
 INSERT INTO #temp VALUES('biswa',NULL) 
 INSERT INTO #temp VALUES('panu',15) 
 INSERT INTO #temp VALUES('rahul',NULL) 
 INSERT INTO #temp VALUES('devi',35) 

In last post I said any expression involving NULL becomes NULL. Like NULL +10,NULL/0 etc. But aggregate functions like SUM ,AVG just ignore NULL while computing.

SELECT AVG(age) FROM #temp - >25

SELECT SUM(age) FROM #temp - >76


If requirement is select record from table #temp for which age is equal to NULL ..
First temptation is to use below query

SELECT * FROM #temp where  age = NULL

But as I explained in previous post about NULL propagation this wont return any records.The IS NULL operator is to be used in this kind of senario.

SELECT * FROM #temp where age IS NULL

This will fetch all record where age is NULL .
biswa      NULL
rahul        NULL

Now I want records for which age is not NULL.

SELECT * FROM #temp where age IS NOT NULL
SELECT * FROM #temp where NOT age IS NULL

This will fetch all record where age is not NULL .
satya       26
panu        15
devi         35


ISNULL function takes 2 arguments and returns the first non-null value.

ISNULL(arg1,arg2)  (takes 2 arguments)

Here if arg1 is not null it will return arg1 ,
 if arg1 is null, arg2 is not null it will return arg2
else if both are null it will return NULL.

The dataype of return value is same as datatype of arg1.

So if I want records with NULL values I can write as
SELECT * FROM #temp where ISNULL(age,0)=0

To get records without NULL column
SELECT * FROM #temp where ISNULL(age,0)!=0

COALESCE function work similar to ISNULL but it can take anynumber of arguments .

Here return value will be the first non-null argument.

Eg.:  SELECT * from #temp where COALESCE(age,NULL,0)=0

As it can take any number of parameters it has more advantage compared to ISNULL.Also COALESCE is ANSI standard .
Another very important fact is ISNULL returns data with a datatype same as datatype of first parameter.This causes problem in some situations.

Eg. Add one more row in #temp
SELECT ISNULL(name,'satyajit mohanty is the author') FROM #temp where ISNULL(name,'')=''
Will return
‘satyajit mohanty is’

Remember ISNULL will return data with same datatype as argument 1. Here it is varchar(20) .So o/p is a varchar with length 20.This would lead to wrong results when you tru to us this data or try to insert it into some other table.

On the other hand COALESCE will return data with a datatype  which is same as datatype of argument in accordance with highest datatype presedence.

Just replace ISNULL with COALESCE and check the output which will be correct one. 
Also try this
COALESCE(name,'satyajit mohanty is the author',0)
Remember datatype would be datatype of argument in accordance with highest datatype precedence before running above expression in a query.

So try to avoid ISNULL esspecially when you are using the output from ISNULL in further manipulation/storage.


When try to run below queries

 class int NOT NULL, 
 age int  NULL,
 mark AS  ISNULL (class,age) Primary Key
 class int NOT NULL, 
 age int  NULL,
 mark AS COALESCE(class,age) Primary Key

Here the columns with ISNULL/COALESCE are called as computed columns.It is strange that first query will run sucessfully where as query 2 wont . I ran this on sql server 2008 . Don't know the reason yet.If you find/know the reason please post a reply.

So in this case ISNULL is unavoidable.

In next article we will see on NULLIF as this article already getting sufficiently large :) .


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